Friday, January 30, 2009
2009-THE SHACK (Click Here for Link)
The book is The Shack by William Paul Young and it's on all the hot lists right now. It's a work of fiction from the mind of one man, and from my limited experience with such things, in my opinion it would be impossible for it to be anything but fiction, but it's truly one of the most profound and thought-provoking works of fiction I've ever read.
He claims that when he wrote it he intended for it to be read by his family and friends. It's now the #1 New York Times Bestseller and there are over two million copies in print. I've even read that there's a movie in the works.
I think that anyone who's ever had any kind of experience with religion, spirituality, God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost or Church, good or bad, will be impacted by this book. If you've ever experienced a loss or questioned why something happened or didn't happen, I think you will be affected. It is disturbing in parts and unless you have a heart of stone, you will cry.
I highly recommend it and I will be gifting a copy of it to my children, parents, siblings and in-laws. To read it or not is their choice, but I so hope they will.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
2009-JANUARY 28TH & 29th
There was a little frozen stuff in my beds, and on the hot tub deck,but hopefully everything will survive. I saw a Red-headed Woodpecker hanging on one of my feeders today and a female Cardinal hopping around on the patio. That was a refreshing sight. D'lyla thought so too, and was extremely irritated that I wouldn't let her outside to find breakfast. Too bad. She's come in way too many times with feathers stuck to her face.
Leslie has spruced up the flowers on Bella's grave. The Christmas Poinsettias had about run their course and were looking a little dreary. She brightened things up a bit.
This is a picture I got of a sunrise one morning last week that I thought was really pretty.
We are back to the DL place this morning to try again for Abby's permit. Just shoot me now.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My driver's license expired this year on my birthday. Last time, I renewed online, but you can only do that every other time. So this year I had to go to the driver's license place. On my birthday. Abby wanted to get her permit too, so I picked her up from school so that she could share the joy. I had called ahead and thought I had everything we'd need to get her permit. PPPPFFFFFF!!!
When we got there, there were only 5 people in front of us. There were two women working the desks and neither one looked too thrilled to be there. One had a sign up behind her desk that said "The Crab is in". Great.
One guy was already sitting at the desk in front of her and apparently had taken the written test. Crabby told him that he had to get 24 out of 30 right to pass. She told him he got 9 right. He asked her if he passed. Sheesh!! She handed his papers at him and told him no, but he could come back tomorrow and try again. He looked at her like she had two heads and left.
The next guy sat down. She told him that his license was suspended because he had several outstanding tickets, then named about 9 counties that he had gotten tickets in. She told him he would have to take care of the tickets before he could get his license renewed. I wanted to dissolve into the floor with embarrassment for him. He just said, Uh, OK and left.
There was a little bitty Asian women in front of us. She had a little boy with her who looked to be about 3. Everytime anyone would say anything, he would repeat it over and over. Crabby said "who's next?" He said, "who's next, who's next, who's next, who's next, who's next" and on and on until his mother leaned down and rattled off something in Chinese and he hushed until he heard something else he liked. Crabby said, "You ready?" The little parrot said, "you ready, you ready, you ready, you ready, you ready?" I thought I would lose my mind.
Then Crabby let all of us know that one of their coworkers had been in the hospital for 4 days so they were shorthanded and she had to run out and do a road test with someone and would be back shortly and we should just be patient. After she left Abby said, "am I going to have to drive with her?" Her hands started dripping. I reminded her she was just taking the written test.
Finally, it was our turn. My renewal took about 2 minutes. But, of course, we didn't have what we needed for Abby to get her permit. We had birth certificate, social security card, proof of school enrollment. But we didn't have the application form with Eden's and my notarized signatures. But we could come back tomorrow and try again, she said. Like I could just grab Eden, run in Walmart and buy a notary public.
In the meantime I had to get my picture made. That photo showed all the joy I felt at the news that I would have to come back to that hellhole any time soon. Then we had to go sit in a waiting room with 14 other people who were waiting for their license. When someone's license would pop out of the machine Crabby or her coworker would call out "HENRY!" or "TAMIKA!" or "LISA!" at the top of her lungs.
By the time we left I needed a shower and a nap.
But the rest of the day was great! My Aunt Sharon called me at 6:30 (a.m.) and sang Happy Birthday, my parents sent me an ecard with an egift good at any store on the planet (seriously, 350 stores), my brother called, and I got many Happy Birthday emails. Laura called me today.
And my friends are so great. I got flowers and a cake from Lee, a journal, pink cupcakes with butterflies and a right brain/left brain note pad from Sallie and perfume and some shimmer powder from Toni. Betsy brought me 3 precious ceramic crosses that were made by Logan Chew at the Mustard Seed in Jackson. Mona gave me the most perfect bird feeder and took me to lunch.
Leslie and John got my rubber matting I wanted for around the hot tub. Then she and Abby fixed supper for me and Eden and all the kids were here, except for Baker. Holley was sick and he didn't want to leave her. I missed them, but they want to take me out to eat one night.
It was such a good day and I feel very, very blessed.
Here are some pictures from my day.
My Bird Feeder
Leslie and Beau got their Guitar Hero Fix
I also voted that day, so it was a day that counted.
On Friday, November 14th, Leslie took a pregnancy test and it was positive. The next Monday she called and made an appointment with her new doctor, Dr. Williams, for December 1st. According to her calculations, she would be due around July 25th, 2009. We knew we were in for a long winter, spring and summer, but we all gladly jumped back on that emotional roller coaster and are holding each other tight.
On November 20th Nicky went on his first overnight field trip without me, to Birmingham. He did fine, had a really good time and only called 32 times in two days. On Friday night, Abby, Leslie, Hannah, Nicky and I went to see Twilight. Abby and I had read all the books, so we had been anxiously awaiting the movie. It was everything we'd hoped it would be. We loved it. I never thought I'd see the day that I'd love a movie about teenage vampires. Go figure.
The next week the kids were out of school for Thanksgiving Holidays and Abby, Nicky and I left for Arkansas on Wednesday. We did things differently this year and had Thanksgiving dinner at Lana's. I was really worried that when we got there her eyeballs would be bulging out of her head and she would be holding handfuls of hair (maybe hers, maybe John's) but she was surprisingly calm and dinner was on schedule. Nothing got thrown or broken, no blood was shed, nothing was burnt or raw and it was a very pleasant day. Then Nicky spent the night with Joshua and Hannah spent the night with Abby.
For the past 10 years or so, Aunt Sharon and I have been meeting on Black Friday to shop. Sometimes it was the two of us, sometimes a sister or two, but never any kids. I'm always glad to spend time with whoever it is. This year, Laura and I met Grandma (89 years old) and Sharon at Goodie's at 4 a.m. We stayed there for a while, then Grandma and Sharon headed to Little Rock and Hot Springs and Laura and I headed to Lana's to get her at 6:00. We made a Starbucks run, then went to Kohl's, Old Navy and some other stores. My memory is a little blurry, but I got most of my shopping done. After shopping we did our Cracker Barrel breakfast. This year we all wore our "fancy" Christmas sweaters.

The Sisters -
Lana, Laura, Lisa
On Friday afternoon, the Ole Miss-State Game was on and I wanted to watch it, but I also wanted to go visit the Cemeteries where our family was buried, so Mama, Abby, Hannah and I went to the graveyards and we left Daddy to watch the game. We waited a little late to go, but we managed to cram in several before it got dark.
The Point's Bisque
1 lb. Royal red shrimp (meat only, cut in small pieces)
1 lb. Lump crabmeat (picked free of shell)
1 lb. Claw crabmeat (picked free of shell)
1 lb. Butter
3 ribs celery sliced paper thin
2 lg. Carrots grated
12 oz. SR flour
3 qts milk
1 pt half and half
8 oz. Monterray jack cheese, grated
10 oz. Cooking sherry
1 tsp paprika
1tsp celery salt
1tsp seafood seasoning
In a 3 gal pot melt the butter over med-high heat, add the carrots and celery and 2-3 oz of the sherry, sautŠ¹ using a wire whip for 2-3 mins, then add the shrimp. Continue cooking until the shrimp have gotten opaque, the add the flour stirring constantly slowly add the milk and the half and half. Heat until it almost to a boil, then stir in the cheese and the seasonings. Add the crabmeat and return to near boil…add the remaining sherry, and turn off. Make a mixture of equal parts of the seasonings to garnish when served.
Here is the website address

The next day, Betsy and Bubba cooked breakfast, then we headed out to Joe Patti's Seafood to pick out seafood to cook for dinner. We got Oysters, gumbo, shrimp, dips, spreads, etc.
Marie and I had spotted some shops we wanted to explore so we went to do a little shopping. Marie spotted a vendor on the corner of one of the streets that had some pottery fish that she loved. She found the one of those that she liked. Then we went to a nursery and a pot shop and found some goodies. I bought fish ornaments for all of us for souvenirs, a Christmas cactus for Mary and a birthday gift for Betsy.
When we got back, Danny had fixed up the oysters (I have no idea what he did with them), but he and the other men headed down to the outside grill and "grilled" for about an hour. There were about half as many oysters left when they got back, but they were delicious and they went fast. The other food was delicious, as well.
Later, Cayson got on a cookie kick and wanted some oreos. He talked about cookies until we were sick of it. I think Marie finally put something in his drink.
Sunday, Eden and I were in charge of breakfast. We headed out for the grocery store. On the way, the phone rang and Bubba suggested that we go a little further down the road and find some fresh eggs. I had a niggling suspicion that someone was being a practical joker and told Eden, but he was sure they were serious. "Bubba wouldn't do that." So we drove and drove, and never found those fresh eggs. Needless, to say, it's because there weren't any.
Apparently Eden and I were exhausted after the fresh egg hunt and needed a nap.
After breakfast the Barhams, Caysons and McKittricks got ready to go home. We planned to leave that day too except I had not been to the beach yet and I wasn't leaving until I went. I went down around 12:30. It was a beautiful day to be there. The sun was shining, the temperature was around 80 degrees and there was a slight breeze. I could not make myself get up and go home. Eden nor I had to work the next day so I called him in the condo and he was all for staying another night. Mona joined me on the beach for a while and it was a perfect afternoon. Even the birds were delightful.

That night it was only Mike and Mona, Eden and me. It was a very peaceful, relaxing evening, and just what I needed.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Captain Ole Miss??
Little Boy and his dog